Friday, October 16, 2009

Hello Fellow Bloggers!!!

Hi, everybody who's reading this! This is very new to me, and I'm sure my blogs will get better with time. I'm not a very open person, and I need some form of therapy, of getting things off my mind. Judging from how I write with my friends(the ppl I don't care how I sound too =) ) I'm a very random person, hence the name of this blog. I hope this becomes something worth reading one day. The whole idea of ppl reading this really excites me. So, I'm almost late for class, and just wanted to welcome myself and all of you to this blog. We'll see where things go. I love feedback, but I prefer it to be contructional not negative. Thanks to all who come read and enjoy. I hope you keep reading, once I get started on here! Oh and my apologies for my AWFUL spelling...I wonder if this thing has spell check?? hmmm Well anyway...

Have an amazing day everybody!!!


  1. hey hun!!! so i finally was able to get ur blog to work for me!!! I am now a follower,


  2. Yaay! Your my one and only, but thats ok...I was so excited when i saw that hahaha
